Home All Events - Natures Heart The Flowering Heart ~ a mindful self-compassion immersion

The Flowering Heart ~ a mindful self-compassion immersion

Experience the heart-centered practices of mindfulness and self-compassion with a loving community of sincere practitioners. Through guided meditations, yin yoga, dharma talks, and discussion, we invite you into deeper healing and insight, and into the awakened heart that lives inside each of us. 🙏🌱🧘‍♀️

***EARLY-BIRD ends February 15th (price raises $50 after).

Considering joining us? Reach out at [email protected]. We’d be happy to offer a complimentary Zoom session to introduce you to the practice. Also, if you’d like to hear Justin’s Dharma Talks from the last retreat, visit eugeneinsight.com.

see details...


IMMERSION DATES/TIMES: October 12th/13th

Daylong Experience: 8:45am – 6:00pm (includes lunch but not dinner)

Full Overnight Experience (preference for space given to overnight participants):
8:45am Saturday to 3:00pm Sunday.

***NOTE: Follow up Zoom Integration Session included – Wednesday March 5th, 6:30pm.

*Limit of 25 participants only at this time – reserve your space today!
**Please plan to stay for the entire duration that you sign up for!


“Searching in all directions
with your awareness,
you find no one dearer
than yourself.” ~ The Buddha

Establishing a foundation of heartfulness is fundamental to the spiritual path. And there is no more transformative a tool than the practices of self-compassion. We come together in a growing community to “turn the wheel of healing” and insight for ourselves, one another, and for the universe itself.

The immersion will include silent sitting and walking meditations, yin yoga, dharma talks, one-one meetings with the teacher, and group sharing – as well as time to rest, eat, and soak it all in. Much of the event will be held in intentional silence, with the exception of several periods for group sharing and connection.

Immersions are guided by Justin Michelson, and are a synergy of:

– the Insight Meditation tradition and the Brahmaviharas (Theravada Buddhism)
– Internal Family Systems Theory
– Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MSBR)

Over the years, we’ve realized the value of group integration/reflection/connection after these powerful experiences. However, scheduling and location have always proved challenging for everyone. Hence, we’ve decided to begin pre-scheduling an integration session during the following week on Zoom.

For this immersion, the Zoom-based Integration Session will be on Wednesday Oct 2nd at 6:30pm (link in registration email).


We are aware that this group is led and often attended primarily by people who occupy identities of privilege; often predominantly white, settler (people who are not indigenous to the lands they live upon) and cisgender (people whose gender corresponds with the sex they were assigned at birth). We want to invite shared responsibility for cultivating and maintaining a safe(r), inclusive, and equitable space for all and ask each of you (especially white and cisgender folk) to engage in any preparation needed for you to do to show up in practice with people occupying other identities.


FEES and DONATIONS: (work trade and scholarships available below)

1.5 days of Dharma, organic meals, overnight accommodations, personalized guidance, follow up session, and more.

***EARLY-BIRD ends February 15th (price raises $50 after).
***A percentage of donations are paid forward to organizations working toward Environmental Justice.

1) ORGANIZATION FEE: ***Please pay the highest price you can afford

Full 1.5 days, $100 – $200

$100 – SUBSIDIZED (Low income and BIPOC only. This price is subsidized by other participants or the organization)

$150 – SUSTAINING (This amount sustains the basic operations of the organization. If this was the only price and you could still pay it, please do.)

$200 – SUPPORTING (This amount supports the attendance of BIPOC, low-income, and scholarship participants. Without people paying this amount that can, we can’t make these offerings accessible.)

Saturday ONLY, $75 – $125 (9am-6pm, includes lunch)


The “organization fee” is designed to approximate the costs of administration, permitting, food, insurance, rent, outreach, supplies, movement-teachers, set-up/clean-up, etc. It’s not designed to offer the main teacher a living wage for preparing teachings, holding the retreat container, meeting with participants, follow up, or preparing for future offerings. Nor is it designed to help support our 501c3 non-profit in sustaining or expanding its reach and services. Hence, there is an additional practice opportunity of donating to those ends.

**Payment plans available (see below)

2) TEACHER DONATION (“Dana”) (90% goes to the teacher and 10% to the 501c3)

Offering mindfulness teachings on a donation basis comes from the tradition of Insight Meditation. It keeps these powerful mindfulness practices accessible, honest, and communal. However, it only works if attendees incline their hearts to understand and participate in it. We invite you to consider this as a spiritual practice of generosity and loving-kindness. This offering supports the livelihood of the teacher, the work of the 501c3 non profit, and keeps the “wheel of the dharma” turning for all beings.

**People often ask how much is appropriate. The guideline is to offer the teacher what feels generous to you while also within your financial means. However, when pressed for an amount, we often suggest $50-150 for the full overnight retreat. But sincerely, any amount is welcomed.

***It is offered at the end of the retreat via cash/check to Eugene Insight Meditation Center or “EIMC”. Paypal/Venmo are also options (at [email protected] and @eugene-insight).

REGISTRATION: There are limited spaces on the retreat. Reserve your spot through one of the following avenues:
1) Via card or PayPal at the bottom of this page.

Send to Eugene Insight Meditation Center at 135 N. Moss St. PO Box 53, Lowell, OR 97452.

If you use a check, please also send an email to [email protected].
If you need a special arrangement, please email [email protected].

Deposit of half the retreat fee is due to reserve your spot. Full payment due 2 weeks prior to the event. Payment plans accepted. See cancellation policy below.

WORK TRADE: These positions require firm commitment and follow-through. Direct applications to [email protected].

1) Kitchen Assistant
This position requires a total of approximately 8hrs of focused work the day before the retreat, and covers the retreat fee. It requires travel to the site to work with the chef to prepare the meals.

2) Outreach and Registration Assistant (at least 1 month prior)
This position involves working with Nature’s Heart to tell more people about our programs through various online and in-person methods. It provides anywhere from a half to full trade for the event. Please fill out the application form at the following link: (coming soon)

SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are available for low-income peoples and marginalized groups, including People of Color, Transgender, Elderly, and Disabled folks. Please contact [email protected] to share more about yourself. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

PAYMENT PLANS: We offer the option of payment plans for special circumstances. Inquire at [email protected] for more details.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations must be made in writing to [email protected]. Note, there is a $25 non-refundable registration fee.

The remainder of your payment is:
100% refundable if more than 30 days prior to the event;
50% if more than 14 days;
25% if more than 7 days;
No refund within 7 days of the event.


“Nature’s Heart was my first meditation retreat and it was a beautiful experience! Justin brought a calm and loving presence to the room and his teachings on self-compassion were very eye opening for me. The retreat gave me many powerful tools to be a more whole, healthy and joyful person by opening my arms to my inner experience and holding myself in compassion. I am grateful for my experience there and hope to attend another retreat soon!” – Past Participant

“Nature’s Heart retreats have been an important part of my spiritual growth. Justin’s approach to compassion for the self and others has helped me find greater inner peace and a sense of connection, and I can tell everyone leaves each retreat having gained greater clarity.” – Past Participant

“The whole experience was really beautiful. Justin led us through various mindfulness exercises while also encouraging each of us to forge our own unique path of internal reflection and outward curiosity. I felt my energy take a huge leap forward during the retreat. Overall the experience was wonderful; I am definitely interested in a return experience this year!” – Past Participant

“All in all, I believe we all need more of “this” in our lives given the culture we live in and to give each of our broken hearts a chance, and as Justin so aptly put it, that I will paraphrase here, healing occurs naturally when we allow the space for it to – we don’t have to try or force anything – it simply happens in the room we make for it. I urge each of us to please make room – and to do so here with Justin would be a gift to yourself, your loved ones, the rest of us, and the planet. Many thanks.” – Past Participant


LOCATION: Mandala Sanctuary, 10 minutes south of Eugene, OR. Precise directions will be given to registered participants via email several days prior to the immersion.

FOOD and WATER: (you will need your own dishware and water bottle)

– We encourage you to eat a hearty breakfast before arriving on Saturday morning (or on the way up), as we won’t be breaking again until 12:30pm.
– For Lunch on Saturday, we will provide a fresh green salad w/ toppings, a grain on the side, hard boiled eggs, and a dressing. Please supplement with your own food.
– For Dinner on Saturday, we will provide a simple hearty soup with a grain and toppings. Please supplement with your own food.
– For Breakfast on Sunday, we will provide breakfast grains, fruit/nuts, and hard boiled eggs. Please supplement with your own food.
– For Lunch on Sunday, we will provide leftovers from the previous meals.

* Let us know of any particular dietary needs/restrictions – we may be able to accommodate. We may also have a little extra fridge or cooler space. Please inquire if you are in need of this.

TEACHER: Justin Michelson

Justin is a Eugene-area meditation and mindfulness teacher in the Insight Meditation tradition (Thai Forest). He is the lead teacher for Nature’s Heart and Eugene Insight Meditation Center. Over his 20+ years of practice, he has come to realize the central importance of emotional healing on the journey of spiritual awakening. He is currently writing a book detailing how self-compassion practice can ferry us to the other shore, entitled The Dharma of Healing: the path and practice of liberation from stress, pain, and trauma.

Since 2000, he has practiced with his root teacher, Rodney Smith, who asked him to share the teachings of the Dharma. He has also completed Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Community Dharma Leadership program, Mark Coleman’s Awake in the Wild nature-meditation training, and has begun the MBSR certification through UC San Diego. He has also been inspired by the healing modality of Internal Family Systems theory.

His teachings weave together kindness and compassion, dharmic wisdom and insight, and a deep love for the natural world and the Northwest Bioregion. He has a background in environmental education, non-profit management, farming/gardening, and now owns a native plant nursery outside of Eugene. He lives in a tiny home with his partner in Fall Creek, OR.


-Supplemental Food (see above)
-Water Bottle
-Personal Dishware (please bring these items in a small separate bag or container that can be placed in a tote designated in the kitchen area)

– Yoga mat
– Meditation cushion/mat (Mandala has cushions)
– Journal and pen
– Clothes for warm/cool/rainy weather

– Sleeping bag, pad, and pillow.
– Personal Tent, if camping (only 3 spots)
– Earplugs/eye pillow, if sleeping in the Sanctuary with other participants.
-Toiletries (if staying the night)

-Dana (teacher donation via cash/check)


A Seeming Stillness
by David Whyte

…Breathe then, as if breathing for the first time,

as if remembering with what difficulty

you came into the world, what strength it took

to make that first impossible in-breath,

into a cry to be heard by the world.

Your essence has always been that first vulnerability

of being found, of being heard and of being seen,

and from the very beginning

the one who has always needed,

and been given, so much invisible help.

This is how you were when you first came

into the world, this is how you are now,

all unawares, in your new body and your new life,

this is the raw vulnerability of your

every day, and this is how you will want to be,

and be remembered, when you leave the world.


Nature’s Heart LLC has merged with Eugene Insight Meditation Center 501c3. We are now a single 501c3 non-profit located in Eugene, Oregon. Find out more about us at



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Hourly Schedule


8:45am - 9:00am
Please join the group on time.
9:00am - 9:30am
Orientation & Greetings
Getting to know one another and the space
9:30am - 12:30pm
Morning Sessions
Dharma Talk, Guided Meditations, Yin Yoga, and Walking Meditations.
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Lunch & Camp Setup
2:30pm - 6:00pm
Afternoon Sessions
Dharma Talk, Guided Meditations, Yin Yoga, and Walking Meditations.
6:00pm - 7:30pm
& Day Participants Depart
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Evening Sessions
Guided Meditations, Yin Yoga, Walking Meditation, and Candle Lighting Ceremony.
Sleep or Continued Practice


Wake up Bell
6:30am - 8:00am
Dawn Sessions
Guided Meditations, Yin Yoga, and Walking Meditation in Tent.
8:00am - 9:30am
9:30am - 12:30pm
Morning Sessions
Final Dharma Talk, Guided Meditations, Yin Yoga, and Walking Meditations.
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Lunch & Packing Up
Please stay to the end!
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Short Sit & Group Sharing
& Advice for Taking the Practice Home

Book Event

SUBSIDIZED Fee - Low-Income and BIPOC Only
Available Tickets: 21

Low income and BIPOC only. This price is subsidized by other participants or the organization, so please only choose it if you experience real financial hardship and/or identify as BIPOC. NOTE, this price does not include Teacher Donation ("Dana") offered via cash/check at the end of the retreat. Please see instructions in event details.

The "SUBSIDIZED Fee - Low-Income and BIPOC Only " ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Available Tickets: 24

This amount sustains the basic operations of the organization. If this was the only price and you could still pay it, please choose this option. NOTE, this price does not include Teacher Donation ("Dana") offered via cash/check at the end of the retreat. Please see instructions in event details.

The "SUSTAINING Fee " ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Available Tickets: 24

This amount supports the attendance of BIPOC, low-income, and scholarship participants. Without people paying this amount that can, we can't make these offerings accessible. NOTE, this price does not include Teacher Donation ("Dana") offered via cash/check at the end of the retreat. Please see instructions in event details.

The "SUPPORTING Fee" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
SATURDAY ONLY - Subsidized/BIPOC Donation
Available Tickets: 24

Low income and BIPOC only. This price is subsidized by other participants or the organization, so please only choose it if you experience real financial hardship and/or identify as BIPOC. NOTE, this price does not include Teacher Donation ("Dana") offered via cash/check at the end of the retreat. Please see instructions in event details.

The "SATURDAY ONLY - Subsidized/BIPOC Donation" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
SATURDAY ONLY - Sustaining Donation
Available Tickets: 24

This amount sustains the basic operations of the organization. If this was the only price and you could still pay it, please choose this option. NOTE, this price does not include Teacher Donation ("Dana") offered via cash/check at the end of the retreat. Please see instructions in event details.

The "SATURDAY ONLY - Sustaining Donation" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
SATURDAY ONLY - Supporting Donation
Available Tickets: 24

This amount supports the attendance of BIPOC, low-income, and scholarship participants. Without people paying this amount that can, we can't make these offerings accessible. NOTE, this price does not include Teacher Donation ("Dana") offered via cash/check at the end of the retreat. Please see instructions in event details.

The "SATURDAY ONLY - Supporting Donation" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Total: 0


Mar 1 - 2, 2025


8:45 am - 3:00 pm


$100-$200 + Teacher Donation


Mandala Sanctuary
85344 Forest Hill Lane, Eugene, OR 97405


Justin Michelson
Justin Michelson
[email protected]

Event Attendees


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You can also subscribe to the calendar feed in your Outlook web application using this url:
